There are many circumstances that make it difficult to face an unplanned pregnancy. If you are considering having an abortion, you may have questions.

  • What types of abortions are there?
  • Are there any risks?
  • Will an abortion procedure hurt?
  • Do I know how far I am in my pregnancy? (Earlier term abortions carry less risk than later term abortions)
  • What do I know about pregnancy development? (Some women experience emotional difficulty in future desired pregnancies when they find out about pre-natal development and relate that information to a pregnancy that was terminated).
  • Do I know who to call if I have complications after the procedure?
  • What are my rights as a patient?

In a private appointment you can find the information you need.

Some people feel relief after an abortion. Some people face very difficult emotions. We provide post-abortion support if you are struggling after an abortion.

Our services are strictly confidential and free of charge. We are not a medical facility and do not refer for nor perform abortions. We are here to support you during your decision-making process in a caring and non-judgmental environment.

Take the time to be informed before you make your decision.

Call for an appointment 705-326-8228.