If you are not in a position to parent your child right now, you may have many questions about adoption.

  • What is the difference between “open” and “closed” adoption?
  • Can I choose the family that I would like to place my baby with?
  • Can I have contact with my child after he is adopted?
  • What if I place my baby for adoption and change my mind?
  • How can I know my child will be happy later in life?

In a private appointment you can find the information you need.

The decision to place your child for adoption can be made anytime during your pregnancy or even after your baby is born.

Planning an adoption for your child can be emotionally difficult. There will be a grieving process involved. We provide you with support throughout the entire adoption journey and after your baby is placed for adoption.

Our services are strictly confidential and free of charge. We provide support to you throughout your decision-making process in a caring and non-judgmental environment.

Call for an appointment 705-326-8228.